The Sote Initiative is a Non-Governmental Organization that is registered in Tanzania Mainland, under the NGO Act of 2002, whose registration number is 00NGO/R/4039. Headquarters of the organization are in Arusha; however, its programs are intended for the entire Tanzania mainland.
A Community with Sound Economic, Environmental and Social Wellbeing
To un-wrap children, women and youth potential to enable innovative pursuance of economic opportunities for improved social and economic wellbeing.
To improve and support access to education to underprivileged children and orphans;
Support women and youth on use of technology in day-to-day business activities, such as value addition on agricultural and non-agricultural goods;
To build capacity of youth and women on income generating activities and Vocational Training;
To promote community volunteerism and collaboration among youth and adults;
To enhance community health, enhance awareness and access to reproductive health services among youth, as well as improving community hygiene and sanitation;
To promote environmental protection and use of climate change adaptation and mitigation best practices.